JMF Dubbo Scholars practicing hard

JMF Dubbo scholars practicing

Our JMF Scholars from Dubbo, brothers Bradley and Marty Boneychillie, have been practicing hard and we love watching their progress.

The boys joined our JMF Scholarships & Pathways Program at the start of 2020 and have worked hard at football and school since.

In February 2020, Bradley had the opportunity to play in the Bathurst Cup for Western NSW FC Under 15s side and played brilliantly, helping his team make the Grand Final and scoring an awesome goal!

ROLE: Indi Kindi Program Manager

July 17, 2024

JMF supports players to compete in Darwin tournament

JMF supports players to compete in Darwin tournament

July 10, 2024

ROLE: Team Administrator (part time)

July 10, 2024