Pat Cummins visits Moriarty Foundation in Borroloola

Pat Cummins visits Moriarty Foundation in Borroloola

Our Borroloola teams were very excited to host Australian Cricket Captain Pat Cummins and UNICEF Australia in May 2023 to witness firsthand the impact our programs are having.

Whether it was painting rocks, singing songs or kicking the footy, Pat got to experience why a wrap-around, holistic, culturally-connected approach can be a game changer in remote communities for Indigenous kids.

“I think people don’t realise that things are so bad in parts of Australia. That’s really hard to take as an Australian, knowing that these things are happening in parts of the country. Things that we don’t even think about in Sydney or wherever we are. Health care is tough to get in these regions and hearing these stories made me realise how far we still have to go. That’s why programs like this are so important.” Pat Cummins.

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